The Marketing workspace is a part of the CRM system solution. It is used to organize email campaigns and manage client database directly in the system interface. You can use the Marketing workspace to:

  • Send newsletters to groups of clients, for example, inform them about new prices of products or services, sales, webinars, etc.
  • Organize long-term customer support: send news, updates, etc.
  • Determine how active and engaged your customers are in relation with your product or service. To send emails from the Marketing workspace, you need to set up integration
    with an email marketing service. You can use a ready-made integration module from the store or configure an integration using a custom module.
    This section describes the entities of the Marketing workspace and a list of function you need to implement in your custom module to set up integration. Before configuring a custom integration module, we recommend that you read more about custom modules.

    Create an integration module

    To set up integration with an email marketing service, you first need to create a custom module. Then go to API Methods > Scripts and insert the following template:
    //Import email templates from  the email marketing service to the system 
    // Called by the system  automatically, for example, when a user clicks the template import button in  the system interface 
    // - `offset` is the number of template to skip from  the start when importing them from the service 
    // - `limit` is the maximum  amount of templates to import 
    // By default, the function is called with  `offset` equal to 0 
    // If more than `limit` templates need to be returned  in the function, you need to return the array of `limit` templates 
    // After  that, the system will process the obtained templates and call this function  again with `offset` equal to `offset + limit` 
    async function  CRM_Marketing_ImportTemplates( 
      offset: number, 
      limit: number, 
    ):  Promise<CRM_Marketing_ImportTemplate[]> { 
      throw new Error('not  implemented'); 
    // Synchronize the list of subscribers in the system with  the list in the email marketing service 
    // The function is called by the  system automatically, for example, before a newsletter is sent from the  system to the external service 
    // ` contactIds` is an array with IDs of app  items from the Contacts app in the CRM workspace that need to be synced with  the service 
    async function CRM_Marketing_ExportContacts(contactIds:  string[]): Promise<void> { 
      throw new Error('not implemented'); 
    //  Prepare data to send the newsletter, for example, add subscribers to the  list of email campaigns 
    // This function is called by the system before an  email campaign is created (before the `CRM_Marketing_CreateCampaign`  function is called) 
    // If the newsletter is going to be sent to a lot of  subscribers, this function is called several times 
    // The `contacts`  argument will include a part of the full list of subscribers 
    // -  `campaignId` is the ID of an of the Email campaigns app item that will be  created in the system 
    // - `campaignType` is the type of campaign 
    // -  `contacts` is an array containing email addresses or phone numbers,  depending on the campaign type 
    async function CRM_Marketing_PrepareCampaign(  
      campaignId: string, 
      type: CRM_Marketing_CampaignType, 
       contacts: string[], 
    ): Promise<void> { 
      throw new Error('not  implemented'); 
    // Create a newsletter in the email marketing service 
    //  This function is called after an email campaign is created in the system 
    //  Before it is called, the campaign data is passed to the  `CRM_Marketing_PrepareCampaign` function 
    // If the function is successfully  executed, a new Email campaigns app item is created 
    // It is used to track  the status of the campaign in the system 
    // - `request` is information  about the campaign 
    async function CRM_Marketing_CreateCampaign( 
       request: CRM_Marketing_CreateCampaignRequest, 
    ):  Promise<CRM_Marketing_CreateCampaignResponse> { 
      throw new Error('not  implemented'); 
    // Get statistics on an email campaign 
    // This function  is called automatically when a user views statistics of a campaign in the  system 
    // The result of calling the function can be cached by the system 
    //  - `campaignExternalId` is the ID of the campaign in the email marketing  service 
    async function CRM_Marketing_GetCampaignStats( 
       campaignExternalId: string, 
    ): Promise<CRM_Marketing_CampaignStats> { 
       throw new Error('not implemented'); 
    // Process an event from the email  marketing service 
    // This function is called then an HTTP request is  received to the webhook specified in the custom module’s settings 
    // The  body of the function needs to transform events of the email marketing  service you’re using 
    // into a list of actions that the system will perform  when the function’s execution is finished 
    // For example, this can be  updating the campaign status or email delivery status 
    // - `request` is the  data of the HTTP request received to the webhook 
    async function  CRM_Marketing_ParseWebhookRequest(request: FetchRequest):  Promise<CRM_Marketing_WebhookResult> { 
      throw new Error('not  implemented'); 
    // Get HTML code to preview a template’s content 
    // This  function is called from the system interface by the template preview widget  
    // The result of executing the function can be cached 
    // -  `templateExternalId` is the ID of the template in the email marketing  campaign service 
    async function  CRM_Marketing_GetTemplateHTML(templateExternalId: string): Promise<string> {  
      throw new Error('not implemented'); 
    Implement the functions described above, save the module, and enable it. Now when a new campaign is created using the system interface, you will be able to choose your integration module in the Email service field.

Type aliases


Action performed by the system after processing the notification from the email marketing service.