Getting started with users and groups

Sometimes you may need to get or edit the data of a group or a user. This article describes common ways to work with users and groups using scripts.

Get the user object

You can get the user object to work with fields from a user’s profile or use methods that the user object provides. To do that, use the UserItemRef.fetch method.

    if ( {
\t\t// Getting user data using the `fetch()` method
        const userData = await;
        // Writing the user’s date of birth to a Date type field =;

Search for users

To find a user and write them to a variable, use the method that returns the UserSearch object.

Using the UserSearch method, you can request:

  • Number of search results Search.count.
  • First result in the search Search.first.
  • A page with search results Search.all. For a query divided into pages, use the following methods:
  • Search.from to define the number of items to skip from the start.
  • Search.size to define the number of results on a page (the maximum value is 10,000, the default is 10).
  • Search.sort to determine how results need to be sorted.

You can set up filtering using Search.where.

For example, you can find a user by their email address:

    /* Finding the user and writing them to a variable using the `search()` method
    with the `where()` filter */ = await =>'')).first();

Lock or unlock a user

Using a script, you can lock (UserItemRef.block) or unlock (UserItemRef.unblock) a user. For example, you can include locking a user in the employment termination business process.

async function blockUser(): Promise<void> {
    // You don’t need to request the user object to lock a user
    if ( {

Get superiors of a user

To get superiors of a user, you can use the UserItemRef.getChiefs method.

    /* Getting a data array with all superiors of a user
    according to the org chart hierarchy */
    const chiefs = await!.getChiefs();
    // Adding the user’s line manager (the first element of the array of superiors) = chiefs[0];

Manage a user’s positions

To get a list of a user’s positions, use the UserItem.positions method. If a user doesn’t need to hold a position any longer, use the UserItem.removeFromPosition method to remove the user from a position.

    const user = await;
    // Getting the user’s positions
    const positions = await user.positions();
    // Finding the necessary position
    const requiredPosition = positions.find(p => === \"Head of Marketing\");
    // Processing an error if the position is not found
    if(!requiredPosition) {
        throw new Error ('position not found');
    // Removing the user from the position
    // Saving the user object

Create a user, change user data, and save a user

To create a user (send an invitation using a script), change a user’s data, or save a user, use the System object. To send an invitation to a new user, you need to initialize them:

\tlet user = System.users.create();\t
\t// Filling out user fields = \"\"; = {
        lastname: \"Johnson\",
        firstname: \"David\",
        middlename: \"Patrick\
\t// Saving the user object

Search for user groups

You can find all user groups using the method:

async function userMethods(): Promise<void> {

    // Assigning all groups in the system to a variable
    const group = await;

Here is how you can find the “External users” group:

async function userMethods(): Promise<void> {

    // Assigning the “External users” group to a variable
    const group = await =>'External users')).first();

The method is used to filter results by a String type field of a collection.

Get all users in a group and check whether a user belongs to a group

If a widget needs to be displayed only for users belonging to a certain group, you can use UserGroupItem.users and array.some().

    // Getting the current user
    const currUser = await System.users.getCurrentUser();
    // Searching for the group that we need to check
    const allowedGroup = await =>'External users')).first();
    // Getting users from the group using the `users()` method
    const usersInAllowedGroup = await allowedGroup!.users();
    // Checking whether the current user is in the list
    if(usersInAllowedGroup.some(user => === { = false;

Get positions, parent groups, and child groups

All methods described in this sections return arrays.

The UserGroupItem.parentGroups method returns a list of groups that have the selected group as a child item.

const parentGroups = await group.parentGroups();

The UserGroupItem.positions method gets a list of positions included in a user group.

const groupName = 'Workspace administrators';
const group = await => g.__name.eq(groupName)).first();
const positions = await group.positions();

The UserGroupItem.subGroups method returns all child groups of a group.

const parentGroups = await group.subGroups();

Edit data and save a group

The method allows you to save a user group. After you make changes to a group, you need to save it.
