Stores the settings of statuses set up in an app.

Type parameters


  • StatusField


Readonly all

all: TStatus<string, ItemData>[]

Array of all available app item statuses.

const statuses = Application.fields.__status.all;
// Get first  status in anarray 
const firstStatus = statuses[0]; 
// Get names of all  statuses 
const statusNames = =>; 
// Find  status by code 'new' 
const newStatus = statuses.find(status => status.code ===  'new'); 

Please note that this field stores statuses from all the status groups. To get statuses from a specific group check the value of the TStatus.groupId field for the status:

const statuses =  Application.fields.__status.all;
const groups =  Application.fields.__status.groups; 
// Get names of all the statuses from a  group with the code 'sales' 
const statusNames = => && status.groupId ===; 
// Find a status by the  code 'new' in the group of default statuses 
const newStatus =  statuses.find(status => status.code === 'new' && status.groupId ===; 

If you need only the statuses from the default group, you can also use the data from the variants field

Readonly groups

groups: object

List of status groups set up for an app.

Every app has a group of default statuses. It is stored in the __default field. Status groups are only used in the CRM workspace in the system apps Leads and Deals to represent [pipelines]( en/help/360012693559.html). It is impossible to create status groups in other apps.

const groups = Application.fields.__status. groups;
// Getting the name of the default status group 
const  defaultStatusGroupName =; 
// Getting the names of  statuses from the status group with the code `sales` 
const  allSalesStatusNames = =>; 

Type declaration

Readonly variants

variants: object

List of app item statuses from the default statuses group.

const variants = Application.fields.__status.variants;
// Get  the name of the status with code 'new' 
const newStatusName =; 

Type declaration